
Eating Out with Kids

This is the time of the year when our friends call us for tips on travel, especially on eating out with kids. Basically how to continue to have some semblance of the good life they used to have B.C. (before children). Especially for the foodies. It is possible. It's not true that children are second class in Paris compared to…read more

Cheap Pleasures, now that the Euro is 1.5 USD

Chez Germaine Tucked away in the chic seventh arrondisement, this busy, often crowded bistro serves French comfort food such as steak with potatoes dauphinois to locals who wouldn' dream of defiling their Boffi kitchens by cooking in them. Have the three course lunch or the two course lunch (30 rue Pierre Leroux, L'As du Falafel Because I love falafel, and the Marais.... The huge, delicious, and dripping 5 Euros sandwich is not only one of the cheapest lunches in Paris but also on of the tastiest (34 rue des Rosiers, Laduree Not only is this tearoom a splurge, when you can afford it but, if you're feeling more frugal, just go buy the counter and get the world's best macaroons.