Restaurant Find – Rotisserie du Beaujolais
Here's what appears to be a good one, though we got serious about it too late to get reservations. The Rotisserie du Beaujolais is right across the street and run by the Tour d'Argent. Food is simple bistrot, but the setting overlooks Notre Dame and the menu looked tasty though Patricia Wellslike it too much. Address is: 19, Quai Tournelle, 75005 Paris, 01 43 54 17 47 Website supposedly is La Tour d'Argent, but I couldn't find any details anywhere.
‘This is Paris,’ ‘This is San Francisco,’ but where is ‘This is Tokyo?’
Birth of ‘Let’s Go, Paris’ pour les enfants…
Food stuff to bring back from Paris
American mom’s ideas for stuff to do with her 5-year old in Paris
Bonsoir Lune – Goodnight Moon
Restaurant find – Taverna degli Amici – 16, rue du Bac
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Exchange Rates Graph (American Dollar, Euro)
Oil is down in the $70s risking to lull us again into energy complacency, and now the dollar is rising against the Euro. ... While Europeans have jumped in to address their financial markets issues more aggressively than the US, they have no central authority to target shoot the trouble areas. And any one country not stabilizing its own banks runs the risk of unwittingly being the weak link for the Euro as a whole.