Books, Books in French

Street French – how to go deeper in your understanding of French

I have to say I don't really resonate with the idea of being a "Francophile," though most of my life I have loved spending time in France, learning the language, and eating the same twenty meals over and over.... Since I read these, they've also come up with Street French 3: The Best of Naughty French which appears to have all the juicy bits not included in books 1 and 2.

Travelogue 360 Paris

Travelogue 360 Paris is an I SPY - like game that has you hunting for clues in Paris neighborhoods.  The graphics are beautiful and the life-like scenes will remind you more of a gritty Paris experience than images scraped off a postcard.  I haven't tried it yet with the kids, but I'm sure our 7-year old will love it.  You can try a 60-minute demo at Macgamestore.

Restaurant Find – Rotisserie du Beaujolais

Here's what appears to be a good one, though we got serious about it too late to get reservations. The Rotisserie du Beaujolais is right across the street and run by the Tour d'Argent. Food is simple bistrot, but the setting overlooks Notre Dame and the menu looked tasty though Patricia Wellslike it too much. Address is: 19, Quai Tournelle, 75005 Paris, 01 43 54 17 47 Website supposedly is La Tour d'Argent, but I couldn't find any details anywhere.