A study into the leisure habits of people from 30 countries found that the French spent by far the longest amount of time sleeping. ... American's were found to be almost as fond of their beds - with 8.5 hours - said researchers from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. It seems to me the researchers have jumped from 'time spent in bed' to 'time spent sleeping' a bit too quickly ... remember this is the French we are talking about.
International Real Estate – For Sale in…Paris
The French real estate market has fared better than many other in Europe recently, according to Tobias Just, head of real estate research for Deutsche Bank Research in Frankfurt. ... Just said that the Paris market had almost held its own, with prices in many parts of the city falling only about 10 percent since the market peaked.
...Prices looked down or stable in the 6th and 7th, but everyone we talked to said it was largely a function of those with the means not needing to sell at fire sale prices.
I didn’t know it was closed! Paris Museum of the Legion of Honor reopens! Paris Museum of the Legion of Honor reopens – Travel – LATimes.com
But it goes on the list for our next trip to Paris since we're all over the the smaller "second tier" museums which are hidden all over the city. ... It faces the Musee D’Orsay on the Left Bank and occupies a wing of one of the city’s finest palaces, the Hotel de Salm, completed in 1788 and much admired by Thomas Jefferson. ... Its galleries explain why orders of merit came into being and identify recipients such as Thomas Wiltberger Evans, dentist of Napoleon III, and Maurice Floquet, France’s oldest surviving veteran of World War I (who died in 2006).
Finding an apartment to buy in Paris – open houses this weekend
Boulet-Orquéra Immobilier 49 Quai des Grands Augustins 75006 PARIS Tel : 01 44 07 13 13Fax : 01 43 25 21 20 Email : c21grandsaugustins@century21france.fr Sur place Samedi 4 avril de 16h30 à 18h30 Studio – Quartier Buci – 213 000 * Investissement de qualité, situé près des commerces,transports et écoles. … Charmant appartement,grande cuisine, séjour et chambre avec balcon filant ouvrant sur les toits de Paris. 5, rue de Nesle 75006 Paris Sur place Vendredi 3 avril de 14h00à 16h00 et Samedi 4 avril de 9h30à 11h00 2 pièces –Quartier des Bouquinistes –410 000 * Dans bel immeuble sécurisé avec ascenseur, pied-à-terreidéal pour cet appartement au calme sur cour. … 13, Rue de Nesle 75006 Paris Sur place Samedi 4 avril de 14h00 à 16h00 3/4 pièces – Quartier Bon Marché – 748 000 * Sur grande cour arborée, dans belle copropriété, au 4ème étage avec ascenseur.
Paris et sa region: agressions, vols, des meurtres, incendies ,accidents automobile
This is an interesting site that must access some database to record all crimes in Paris and in other areas of France. Interestingly, much of the site, including some awkward translations, is in French. You may want to check on the area you're staying at or get a feel for the underbelly of the city. ... Mesurez votre coefficient de sécurité à partir de votre adresse. ( + de 500 lieux dans la base de données en 2007 des décès, morts, blessés par agressions, drogues, braquages,i ncendies, accidents auto...)
Class Warfare, French styleFrench executive held hostage by staff | World news | The Guardian
He wasn't exactly stuffed in the back of car and kept in a cave, yet it's hard to feel too much respect for the kidnappers in this case, no matter what the demands. ... Last year, the English boss of a car-parts factory in eastern France was held for 48 hours in his office, sleeping on a massage table and being provided with blankets and sandwiches. ... In another incident last year, police stormed an ice-cream factory in Saint-Dizier to free a manager who had been held hostage by workers over job cuts.
Paris Tour in citroen 2CV
Be picked up anywhere in Paris and the parisian drivers of Paris Authentic take you for an unusual discovery of their city...... [From Paris Tour in citroen 2CV by Paris Authentic Tour - The traditionnal french car tour ]
...Now they are more rare, but you can still enjoy the ride in these tours organized by a group of French guys who enjoy showing off their city from the vantage point of a fun little car.
ParisGreeter takes you on free tours of Paris with local guides
A Paris Greeter will make sure you discover the true Paris, the way Parisians live it and love it! ... All our volunteers are Paris lovers who like to share the art, tradition and culture of this fascinating city. At the end of the walk, we really want you to have the feeling that you have not only discovered the city but also had an insight into what we call the “Parisian way of life.”
Le Marcab restaurant – 225 rue de Vaugirard
John Talbott's site is always chock-full of food reviews. This man is eating all the time, and mostly great stuff. Emmanuel Rubin in Figaroscope gave 2/5 to just one place, the strangely named (for its two owners/principals) Le Marcab, 225 rue de Vaugirard in the 6th,, open 7/7 with lunch menus at 19 and 24, dinner at 32 and a la carte 40 € with a carpaccio od scallops with wasabi, turbot, chocolate “soup” with bananas [From John Talbott's Paris: Reviews of reviews: The Week of March 2nd, 2009 ]
Somewhere Else » Blog Archive » Standard line
Not too far from our apartment hangs an educational Paris landmark. It's right across the street from the Sénat, in the arcade. This is another Parisian line, in front of number 36 rue de Vaugirard and not far from the church of Saint Sulpice. ... Today only two of these marble standards are still in existence, and this is the only one in its original location.