Marie Antoinette et Hameau de Reine
Une femme/une fille d’un certain age
Advantage France
What is it? Can you tell what this common Parisian object is from the photo?
If I had prizes, I'd give them away, but this quiz has more to do with smug self-satisfaction. Extra points if you know what words the letters say.
Chez Michel
Tarte du Soleil and other perfect plats
New law on store openings on Sunday meant to woo US tourists
I can't imagine the fact that stores are closed on Sunday to be a reason not to stay an extra day in Paris, but I guess some people must be shopping all the time. As a student, I resented the Sunday closings because it just meant so much more to pack into a Saturday, but now I treasure the idea of one day where everyone is forced to really take the day off. ... TV, of course has ruined some of that nothing-to-do feeling already, but it's more than a bit sad to see the French put one more nail in the coffin of true leisure, which many of us has felt was at the very core of spending time in Europe.